Beach Wedding Video Trailer | Celebrating Thrishen & Shuli

Beach, booze, dance and a group of happily crazy bridal party - Thrishen and Shuli have indeed showed us the real deal of having fun on your wedding day!

Whenever it comes to a beach wedding, we can be sure to get into a mood of holiday. Set in Westin Langkawi, we have captured one of the most entertaining wedding ever. We believe wedding is an occasion to have all your love ones together, and letting them to just enjoy and have fun - which is what Thrishen and Shuli did. All the guests were laughing (or if not, smiling widely) and dance with 'swags' !

What a joyfulness wedding!

Glimpse of Trishen & Shuli Beach Wedding

Venue : Westin Langkawi

Cinematographer : Foong, Armadale Cinematography Productions

#beachwedding #westinlangkawi #cinematography #destinationwedding #weddingtrends #armadaleweddings #ourwork #armadalecinematography
