Beach Wedding in Pangkor Laut Resort | Celebrating Kai Jie & Pao Li
Here we are at Pangkor Laut Resort, indulging in the chilling breeze and sandy beach along the West Coast of Malaysia. This private island in the Straits of Malacca has always been a unique natural beauty with beautiful views that sets a perfect backdrop for wedding.
Kai Jie and Pao Li reminds us of being just YOURSELVES on the wedding day. One quick look on Pao Li's choice of attire and you'll know what we mean - a simple yet sophisticated two-piece gown, which pretty much speaks their characters too. Simple and elegant; crazy but sincere. If we were to put it in two words:
Marry, Merry!
Being just the way they are, this newlywed clearly had an amazing time with their close friends and family. Thank you for once again reminding us the essence of wedding: the union of two souls, and also two families. It has been a terrifically crazy and fun celebration with so much love spreading!
Sending you all the best wishes from Armadale!
Laughter, jokes, and a fistful of love!
海水澄碧,绿树成荫 ,眼前海边的夕阳美丽无比 ,但最动人的 ,还是一对新人脸上幸福的笑容
“ 谢谢你,出现在我的人生中 ,很期待我们的未来 ,不管好坏 ,能够一直陪着你,就已经是件很幸福的事 ”
凯杰和宝丽 ,无时无刻都让我们感受到 ,最简单的幸福 ,就是找一个你最爱的人 ,执子之手 ,与子偕老
深深地感激这对年轻活泼 ,真诚 , 和开朗的夫妻 ,总让这场婚礼充满欢乐充满爱 !祝福你们 ,永远幸福快乐 !