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ROM in Bali | Suet Funn & Raymond

Saying “I Do” in the magnificent Bali.

One might argue that a wedding ceremony only lasts for a couple of hours, but to the lovebirds getting hitched, it is a lifetime of memories that would last forever. Bali – the island for lovers – has definitely topped the chart when it comes to dream destination wedding locations.

We are helplessly in love with this beach front villa that hosted the ROM of Suet Funn and Raymond, even more fascinated with the transparent walkway and stage set in the pool adorned with pastel hues of fresh florals. The couple exchanged their wedding vows and a promise of lifetime overlooking the beautiful backdrop of nature, featuring white sandy beach and endless blue skies. Nothing but stunning and wonderful.

It is our great pleasure to cover this over-the-water wedding, and deliver these stunning photographs to celebrate the ROM of Suet Funn and Raymond.


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